Tag Archives: Dragon Age

Not That Draconian

Second only to Baldur’s Gate 2, Dragon Age: Origins is one of the most epic RPGs I’ve ever played. Everything about the game was grand, from its George R.R. Martin-inspired storyline to its enjoyable tactical combat. So, when I learned about the changes BioWare made in its sequel, I decided to skip it.

But since I was able to get the game at a very, very low price of $5 (with the help of rewards points and 4th of July holiday sale), I gave Dragon Age 2 a whirl. Surprisingly, the game isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

Everything in Dragon Age 2 has been scaled down, however. Unlike in Origins, where you were able to explore most of Ferelden, you’re stuck in one place –the city of Kirkwall– in Dragon Age 2.  Your option to choose different races and origins was taken out as well, leaving you to play with a human character named Hawke.

While I didn’t like BioWare’s decision to scale down Dragon Age 2, the results weren’t necessarily bad. The story, for example, while it wasn’t as epic as Origins, is much more streamlined because it didn’t have to deal with the open-endedness that its predecessor did. So, it was able to focus on and flesh out your character much better.

Combat has been fine tuned in Dragon Age 2 as well. Classes here are balanced, and you’d need to have all three classes in your party to be able to walk in the park. Combat animations are pretty awesome to look at as well. Unfortunately, you can’t zoom out the camera to be able to view the entirety of the battlefield.

Overall, I like Dragon Age 2. Especially its story because it has familial elements to it, something that I haven’t experienced in other RPGs. The combat mechanics weren’t too shabby as well. But it’s still a step down from Origins. The only improvement here is the graphics.

Score: B

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